
Antagonist Protocol Calendar

| Antagonist Protocol Calendar | Long Protocol Calendar | Short Protocol Calendar |

Select your day 1 here:

  • Day 1

    Start of menstrual period :  

  • Day-2

    1. Transvaginal ultrasound scan
    2. Blood test
    3. Start daily FSH injection
  • Day-7

    1. Transvaginal ultrasound scan for follicular size

    2. Adjust dosage of FSH injection

    3. Start daily GnRH antagonist injection daily when leading follicle reaches 14mm

  • Day-10

    Transvaginal ultrasound scan for follicular size

  • Day-11

    hCG injection to trigger ovulation
  • Day-13

    1. Egg pick up and sperm collection

    2. Start vaginal progesterone pessary

  • Day-16

    Day 3 embryo transfer

  • Day-18

    Day 5 blastocyst transfer

  • Day-20

    Follow up and luteal support

  • Day-24

    Follow up and luteal support

  • Day-28

    Follow up and pregnancy test

    If any of the scheduled visits to the Clinic falls on a Sunday or Public Holiday, please call us for advice on how to proceed.