
Ultrasound & Medical Imaging

Hospital Wanita Metro uses brand new 3D/4D ultrasound technology so that you can actually see your baby in live 4D motion while in your womb. You are able to meet your baby! Your baby’s activities inside the womb can be seen which are difficult or impossible to identify on 2D scanning. In special circumstances, there are special modifications to the software that allows better visualization of the fetus. Abnormalities detected via 3D screening help you to identify the problem to seek further counseling or therapy. it also helps you bond with your unborn baby.

3D, 4D and 5D High Resolution Ultrasound Scan

3D or three-dimensional scan involves surface rendering and volume rendering to achieve a 3D image. The 4D or four-dimensional view is in the video mode (movement) that can be seen while doing a 3D scan, for example, fetus moving hands or a fetus yawning.

Advantages of 3D/4D/5D scan:

A 3D ultrasound scan will provide convincing images and diagnosis of certain fetal abnormalities which will be appreciated by the patient. These fetal abnormalities include the abnormalities:

  • on the fetal face, such as cleft lips, low set ears, and facial defects,

  • in the spine and feet, such as polydactyly, club feet, spina bifida, and anencephaly, and

  • in the heart, such as congenital heart defects

A 3D scan also increases the psychological bonding between the parents and their unborn baby. During the scan, parents will see and witness many facial expressions shown by the baby such as sucking thumbs, yawning, and mouth opening.

Reasons why 3D/4D/5D images cannot be obtained:

There are times when a 3D ultrasound image cannot be obtained despite a few attempts. In order to obtain a good ultrasound image of the baby’s face, the following criteria must be met:

  1. Adequate amniotic fluid surrounds the baby’s face

  2. Baby’s facing upwards

  3. Movement of the baby is minimal.

Detail Scan

Most pregnancies will end up with a normal and healthy baby. However, a small proportion of women will have a small percentage of delivering a baby with physical or mental abnormalities. Abnormalities can range from not serious to requiring very specialized care, including immediate surgery. A high-definition ultrasound called Fetal Anomaly Scan (FAS) can diagnose physical abnormalities early on when the patient is around 18 to 24 weeks pregnant.

Kindly proceed to our counter or call our clinic to make an appointment for the scan. Ensure punctuality and be sure to bring your pink book to the clinic. There is no specific preparation required and you are allowed to have your meal prior to the scan.

The scan may take up to 30 minutes to complete. Information on the scan will be informed to you during the scan itself. you will get a full set of scan images after your scan.

If there is a problem found during the scan, a full discussion will be done about the problem and what steps are needed to be taken. Another appointment will be scheduled to confirm that there is a problem or the keep track of it. It is advised to have follow-up scans.

The scan will show the fetus’s anatomy including the lips, nose, legs, feet, heart, lungs, stomach, kidneys, bladders, umbilical cord, and placenta. Any major abnormalities in these parts can be detected during the detail scanning. The liquor volume will be assessed at the same time. Excessive or decreased liquor volume is commonly associated with fetus abnormalities. For example, polyhydramnios is found in spina bifida, anencephaly, and esophageal atresia. This is also a good time to identify the position of the placenta to ensure that it is not covering the cervical os.

Some of the structured abnormalities of the newborn are life-threatening at the time of birth, for example, diaphragmatic hernia, and esophageal atresia. Knowledge of this condition before birth will allow the obstetrician to prepare and manage the fetal abnormality soon after birth.

  • The shape and structures of the fetal head

  • The fetal facial profile and face to rule out any cleft lip/cleft palate

  • The fetal spine is in both longitudinal (length) and transverse (cross-section) views, to make sure that there is no spinal defect.

  • The fetal abdominal wall for defects such as omphalocele or gastroschisis, the stomach, intestine, and fetal ascites.

  • The fetal kidneys ensure that the fetus has two kidneys functioning, and the bladder that fills and empties throughout the scanning process.

  • The fetal upper and lower limbs (hands, fingers, legs, feet, toes) to look for polydactyly and talipes.

  • The heart to look for its position and size as well as chamber size, outflow defect, and septal defect.

  • The umbilical cord for hernia, cyst, and the normal 2 arteries and 1 vein.

  • The placenta for its position, size, and abnormal mass.

  • Detail Scan also monitors the growth of the baby using the bi-parietal diameter, abdominal circumference, and femur length.

Obstetrics Scan

The focus of ultrasound during pregnancy will depend on different trimester.

First trimester scan
  • This is also known as a dating scan, viability scan, early pregnancy assessment, or early pregnancy scan.

  • During the first trimester, you will need a full urinary bladder or at least a partially filled urinary bladder to allow better image formation.

  • The medical Sonographer will put some conducting gel on your tummy. Then a small hand-held transducer will be used and rolled over your tummy to get many views of your baby.

  • Sometimes you may need a clearer view and the sonographer will use a transvaginal ultrasound probe to capture the image. This is particularly so in the early weeks of pregnancy. Transvaginal ultrasonography is useful if you are overweight or your uterus is very deep in the pelvis (the bladder needs to be emptied during the transvaginal ultrasound).

An ultrasound scan is used in early pregnancy to detect the following situation:

  • Confirmation of pregnancy and its location whether intrauterine or extrauterine

  • Evaluate suspected ectopic pregnancy

  • Determination of placenta position

  • Detection of numbers of embryos, pregnancy sac, and multiple pregnancies

  • Assess the viability of the embryo

  • Assess gestational age

  • Detect early pregnancy failure

  • Diagnose fetal anomalies

  • Assess fetal growth

  • Assess associated maternal abnormalities such as ovarian cysts, fibroid

Second trimester scan

This is also known as Fetal Anomaly Scan, Detailed Scan, or a 20 week scan.

Third trimester scan

This is also known as Fetal Well Being Scan

  • Perform from 24 weeks-to term

  • To assess the baby’s position

  • To assess the baby’s growth

  • To assess placenta position

  • To assess the amniotic fluid volume

  • To perform Doppler studies

Table showing the detection rate of abnormalities in the FAS

ProblemWhat the problem is?Chances of being seen
Spina DifidaOpen spinal cord90%
AnencephalyAbsence of the top of the head99%
HydrocephalyExcess fluid within the brain60%
Major Congenital Heart Problems/Valves 60%
Diaphragmatic HerniaA defect in the muscle which separates the chest and abdomen60%
Exomphalos/GastroschisisDefect of the abdominal wall90%
Major Kidney ProblemsMissing or abnormal kidney85%
Major Limb AbnormalitiesMissing bones or very short limbs90%
Cerebral PalsySpasticityNever seen
Autism Never seen
Down SyndromeMay be associated with heart and bowel problemsAbout 40%
Psychiatric Illness Never seen

*Many cases present late in pregnancy or even after birth
Ref: RCOG women health/clinical guidance/ultrasound screening